
What Is Propylene Glycol? Uses, Risks, and More
Propylene glycol is in tons of personal care items, like your shampoo, soap, moisturizer, deodorant, and toothpaste. You can even ...

Is #5 Plastic Safe?
Q: It seems like more products are being packaged in #5 rather than #2 plastic today, and my local recycling ...
Reader Question – What Can I Do With All My Empty CD Cases?
*Update – For those of you living in the Los Angeles area, a friend emailed me to say that the ...
Which Fruits & Vegetables You Should Be Buying Organic.
If you are on a budget or just plain refuse to pay the extra for organic fruits and vegetables, there really are some good reasons to buy at least a few of those items in the organic version if you can.
Supposedly Healthy Cereals Contain High Fructose Corn Syrup.
Why proclaim that a cereal is good for you when it contains a potentially harmful ingredient like high fructose corn ...

What Is Butyl Cellosolve? Uses, Dangers & Alternatives
Butyl Cellosolve is widely used in household cleaning agents. But did you know that it’s a toxic agent that you ...

Consider These Environmentally Friendly Alternatives To Bleach
By now I am sure that most of you know that bleach is incredibly toxic to both you and the ...
Clorox Anywhere Sanitizing Spray – Made With Bleach, But Safe To Spray All Over Your House?
*Update – Eagle-eyed reader Christy read their press release on this product and in the second paragraph it actually states ...

What Is Teflon And Why You Should Avoid It
Teflon is a household name, found in many homes as the cookware of choice. It is easy to understand why. ...

Think Simple Green Is A Good Eco-Friendly Cleaner? Think Again…
According to a new report by Women’s Voices for the Earth, Simple Green contains the chemical ethylene glycol butyl ether ...
Method vs. Seventh Generation – let the battle begin!
Ok, so there are a lot of choices of cleaning products out there for the environmentally friendly, but 2 of ...