
What Is Propylene Glycol And Why You Should Avoid It

What Is Propylene Glycol? Uses, Risks, and More

Emily Wilson

Propylene glycol is in tons of personal care items, like your shampoo, soap, moisturizer, deodorant, and toothpaste. You can even ...

Is #5 Plastic Safe?

Emily Wilson

Q: It seems like more products are being packaged in #5 rather than #2 plastic today, and my local recycling ...

Reader Question – What Can I Do With All My Empty CD Cases?

Emily Wilson

*Update – For those of you living in the Los Angeles area, a friend emailed me to say that the ...

Which Fruits & Vegetables You Should Be Buying Organic.

Emily Wilson

If you are on a budget or just plain refuse to pay the extra for organic fruits and vegetables, there really are some good reasons to buy at least a few of those items in the organic version if you can.

Supposedly Healthy Cereals Contain High Fructose Corn Syrup.

Emily Wilson

Why proclaim that a cereal is good for you when it contains a potentially harmful ingredient like high fructose corn ...

What Is Butyl Cellosolve? Uses, Dangers & Alternatives

Emily Wilson

Butyl Cellosolve is widely used in household cleaning agents. But did you know that it’s a toxic agent that you ...

Consider These Environmentally Friendly Alternatives To Bleach

Emily Wilson

By now I am sure that most of you know that bleach is incredibly toxic to both you and the ...

Clorox Anywhere Sanitizing Spray – Made With Bleach, But Safe To Spray All Over Your House?

Emily Wilson

*Update – Eagle-eyed reader Christy read their press release on this product and in the second paragraph it actually states ...


What Is Teflon And Why You Should Avoid It

Emily Wilson

Teflon is a household name, found in many homes as the cookware of choice. It is easy to understand why. ...

Think Simple Green Is A Good Eco-Friendly Cleaner? Think Again…

Emily Wilson

According to a new report by Women’s Voices for the Earth, Simple Green contains the chemical ethylene glycol butyl ether ...

Method vs. Seventh Generation – let the battle begin!

Emily Wilson

Ok, so there are a lot of choices of cleaning products out there for the environmentally friendly, but 2 of ...

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